
Module Installation

It is expected that popdyn will be available in the Python Package Index soon, which will require only:

pip install popdyn

However, popdyn must currently be requested from the developers, and is on a private repository. Once you have obtained the popdyn package, it can be installed from the root popdyn package directory using pip:

pip install .

GDAL must be installed separately. See GDAL to install the GIS requirements of the domain if using rasters.

Requirements Only

  1. Ensure your working directory is set to the root of the popdyn package
  2. Install using the python package manager: pip install -r requirements.txt

GDAL must be installed separately. See GDAL to install the GIS requirements of the domain if using rasters.


The recommended way to build the GDAL dependency is to use the Anaconda Python Distribution, which is easily installed using their graphical installer.

Once installed, GDAL can be built and installed using the following command:

conda install gdal

If not using Anaconda, review the GDAL documentation to learn about installation.