Model Domain

A popdyn model Model Domain provides a framework for simulations so they may be spatially and temporally discretized, and parameterized. The primary purposes of a Model Domain are to:

  • Manage a file to store study area data in HDF5 format, and act as a quasi-database for the model domain attributes. The file will be automatically created with the extension .popdyn, and can be used to instantiate Domain instances.
  • The Model Domain has a consistent spatial extent and anisotropic grid resolution
  • Data added to a domain are automatically read, spatially transformed, converted, and stored on the disk.
  • Data are commonly added with Species (Populations) or Parameters instances to add them and corresponding data to the Model Domain
  • Domain instances are provided to selected Numerical Solvers to calculate derived parameters and simulate populations in the model
  • Computation “chunks” are also specified in the domain to make use of distributed schedulers that allow parallel computation and make memory (RAM) usage predictable

Species (and accompanying data) are added to a model domain using parameters or population data using one of the following methods:


All parameters or data that are added to a model domain must be in the same spatial and temporal units

Data associated with Species (Populations) or Parameters may be added to the model domain using one of the following formats:

  • A raster dataset. If the raster spatial reference and geotransform do not match the domain, it will be automatically resampled using nearest neighbour interpolation when added to the domain.
  • A numpy array-like object with a shape matching the model domain, or in a shape that can be broadcasted to the shape of the model domain.
  • A scalar that is repeated over all domain elements.

Data added to a model domain may also be distributed using any of the following keyword arguments:

distribute: If the input data are scalars, the value will be divided evenly among all domain elements:


where \(param\) is the value, and \(n\) is the number of domain elements).

If data are arrays, the sum will be evenly divided among all domain elements:


distribute_by_habitat: Use habitat quality to linearly distribute the input parameter data. Data that are scalars or arrays are aggregated using the same method as distribute. The \(param\) value is distributed over habitat (\(k\)) using the following:

\[param\cdot \frac{k(i)[k(i)\neq 0]}{\sum_{i=1}^{n}k(i)[k(i)\neq 0]}\]

Once added to a domain, species with the same name automatically become stratified by their name, sex, and age groups, and are able to inherit mortality and fecundity based on a species - sex - age group hierarchy.


Remember, for inheritance to work, the members of the same species added to the model domain must have matching names

Time is also discretized in the model domain. Data related to species and parameters are tied to a specific time, which is used in the solvers. Time is always represented as whole numbers, although these numbers are not constrained to any interval or time format. For example, a model domain that is solved annually will contain data that is tied to a specific year. A model domain that is solved every second will have data added at a specific second over the duration of the model. The start and end times are specified in the solvers.

class popdyn.Domain(popdyn_path, domain_raster=None, **kwargs)

Population dynamics simulation domain, which is used to define a study area for a popdyn simulation

Species, Parameters, and datasets are added to the model domain, which creates a file to _save and store all information

To create a Model Domain, one of either an existing .popdyn file, a raster, or construct the domain using the keyword arguments

  • path (str) – Path to a new (new Domain) or existing (existing Domain) .popdyn file on the disk
  • domain_raster (str) – Path to an existing raster on the disk that defines the domain extent and resolution
Keyword Arguments:
shape (tuple) –

Number of rows and columns of the study area [(rows, cols)]

csx (float) –

Grid spacing (cell size) in the x-direction

csy (float) –

Grid spacing (cell size) in the y-direction

top (float) –

The northernmost coordinate of the study area

left (float) –

The westernmost coordinate of the study area

projection (int) –

Spatial Reference of the study area, which must be an EPSG code

add_population(species, data, time, **kwargs)

Add population data for a given species at a specific time slice in the domain.

  • species (Species) – A Species instance
  • data – Population data. This may be a scalar, raster, or vector/matrix (broadcastable to the domain)
  • time – The time slice to insert the population data into
Keyword Arguments:
distribute_by_habitat (bool) –

Divide the sum of the input population linearly among domain elements using the covariate carrying capacity (Default: False)

discrete_age (int) –

Apply the input population to a single discrete age in the age group (Default: None)

distribute (bool) –

Divide the sum of the input data evenly among all domain nodes (grid cells) (default: True)

overwrite (str) –

Overwrite method for replacing existing data. Use one of ['replace', 'add'] (Default ‘replace’)

add_mortality(species, mortality, time, data=None, **kwargs)

Mortality is added to the domain with species and Mortality objects in tandem.

Multiple mortality datasets may added to a single species, as they are stacked in the domain for each species (or sex/age group).

  • species (Species) – Species instance
  • mortality (Morality) – Mortality instance.
  • data – Mortality data. This may be a scalar, raster, or vector/matrix (broadcastable to the domain)
  • time – The time slice to insert mortality
Keyword Arguments:
distribute (bool) –

Divide the sum of the input data evenly among all domain nodes (grid cells) (default: True)

overwrite (str) –

Overwrite method for replacing existing data. Use one of ['replace', 'add'] (Default ‘replace’)

add_carrying_capacity(species, carrying_capacity, time, data=None, **kwargs)

Carrying capacity is added to the domain with species and CarryingCapacity objects in tandem.

Multiple carrying capacity datasets may added to a single species, as they are stacked in the domain for each species (or sex/age group).

  • species (Species) – Species instance
  • carrying_capacity (CarryingCapacity) – Carrying capacity instance.
  • time – The time slice to insert the carrying capacity
  • data – Carrying Capacity data. This may be a scalar, raster, or vector/matrix (broadcastable to the domain)
Keyword Arguments:
is_density (bool) –

The input data are a density, and not an absolute population (Default: False)

distribute (bool) –

Divide the sum of the input data evenly among all domain nodes (grid cells) (default: True)

overwrite (str) –

Overwrite method for replacing existing data. Use one of ['replace', 'add'] (Default ‘replace’)

add_fecundity(species, fecundity, time, data=None, **kwargs)

Fecundity is added to the domain with species and Fecundity objects in tandem.

Multiple fecundity datasets may added to a single species, as they are stacked in the domain for each species (or sex/age group).

  • species (Species) – Species instance
  • fecundity (Fecundity) – Fecundity instance.
  • data – Fecundity data. This may be a scalar, raster, or vector/matrix (broadcastable to the domain)
  • time – The time slice to insert fecundity
Keyword Arguments:
distribute (bool) –

Divide the sum of the input data evenly among all domain nodes (grid cells) (default: True)

overwrite (str) –

Overwrite method for replacing existing data. Use one of ['replace', 'add'] (Default ‘replace’)

add_mask(species, time, data=None, **kwargs)

A mask is a general-use dataset associated with a species. It is currently only used for masked density-based dispersal. Only one mask may exist for a species - sex - age group.

  • species (Species) – Species instance
  • data – Mask data. This may be a scalar, raster, or vector/matrix (broadcastable to the domain)
  • time – The time slice to insert fecundity
Keyword Arguments:
distribute (bool) –

Divide the sum of the input data evenly among all domain nodes (grid cells) (default: True)

overwrite (str) –

Overwrite method for replacing existing data. Use one of ['replace', 'add'] (Default ‘replace’)

age_from_group(species_key, sex, gp)

Collect all ages from a group

  • species_key (str) – Species.name_key
  • sex – sex (‘male’ or ‘female’)
  • gp – group name
Return list:

All ages

all_carrying_capacity(species_key, time, sex=None, group_key=None, snap_to_time=True)

Collect all carrying capacity for all children in the given query

  • species_key (str) – Species.name_key
  • sex (str) – sex (‘male’, or ‘female’)
  • group_key (str) – AgeGroup.group_key
  • time (int) – Time slice
  • snap_to_time (bool) – If the dataset queried does not exist, it can be snapped backwards in time to the nearest available dataset
Return list:

All Carrying Capacity instances - h5py.Dataset key pairs

all_population(species_key, time, sex=None, group_key=None)

Collect the population keys of a species at a given time. Datasets from all children keys are returned.

  • species_key (str) – Species.name_key
  • sex (str) – sex (‘male’, or ‘female’)
  • group_key (str) – AgeGroup.group_key
  • time (int) – Time slice
  • age (int) – Absolute age

list of :class:’h5py.Dataset` keys


Collect all k instances in the model domain

Return list:CarryingCapacity instances
discrete_ages(species_key, sex)

Collect all discrete ages for a species in the model domain

  • species_key (str) – Species.name_key
  • sex – sex (‘male’ or ‘female’)
Return list:

Ordered sequence of ages


Collect all fecundity instances in the model domain

Return list:Fecundity instances
get_carrying_capacity(species_key, time, sex=None, group_key=None, snap_to_time=True, inherit=False)

Collect the carrying capacity instance - key pairs

  • species_key (str) – Species.name_key
  • sex (str) – sex (‘male’, or ‘female’)
  • group_key (str) – AgeGroup.group_key
  • time (int) – Time slice
  • snap_to_time – If the dataset queried does not exist, it can be snapped backwards in time to the nearest available dataset
  • inherit (bool) – Collect data from parent species if they do not exist for the input. Used primarily for distributing by a covariate, and should not be used during simulations (the values may change during pre-solving inheritance)

list of instance - h5py.Dataset keys

get_fecundity(species_key, time, sex, group_key, snap_to_time=True, inherit=True)

Collect the fecundity instance - HDF5 Dataset pairs

  • species_key (str) – Species.name_key
  • sex (str) – sex (‘male’, or ‘female’)
  • group_key (str) – AgeGroup.group_key
  • time (int) – Time slice
  • snap_to_time – If the dataset queried does not exist, it can be snapped backwards in time to the nearest available dataset
  • avoid_inheritance – Do not inherit a dataset from the sex or species

list of instance - h5py.dataset key pairs

get_mask(species_key, time, sex, group_key, function='masked dispersal', snap_to_time=True, inherit=True)

Collect the key associated with the mask query

  • species_key (str) – Species.name_key
  • sex (str) – sex (‘male’, or ‘female’)
  • group_key (str) – AgeGroup.group_key
  • time (int) – Time slice
  • function (str) – The purposed of the mask being retrieved
  • snap_to_time – If the dataset queried does not exist, it can be snapped backwards in time to the nearest available dataset
  • inherit – Do not inherit a dataset from the sex or species

Dataset key

get_mortality(species_key, time, sex, group_key, snap_to_time=True, inherit=True)

Collect the mortality instance - dataset pairs

  • species_key (str) – Species.name_key
  • sex (str) – sex (‘male’, or ‘female’)
  • group_key (str) – AgeGroup.group_key
  • time (int) – Time slice
  • snap_to_time – If the dataset queried does not exist, it can be snapped backwards in time to the nearest available dataset
  • avoid_inheritance – Do not inherit a dataset from the sex or species

list of instance - h5py.dataset key pairs

get_population(species_key, time, sex=None, group_key=None, age=None, inherit=False)

Collect the population key of a species/sex/group at a given time if it exists

  • species_key (str) – Species.name_key
  • sex (str) – sex (‘male’, or ‘female’)
  • group_key (str) – AgeGroup.group_key
  • time (int) – Time slice
  • age (int) – Absolute age
  • inherit (bool) – Collect data from parent species if they do not exist for the input. Used primarily for distributing by a covariate, and should not be used during simulations (the values may change during pre-solving inheritance)

Dataset key or None if non-existent

get_species_instance(species_key, sex, gp)

Collect a species instance

  • species_key (str) – Species.name_key
  • sex – sex (‘male’ or ‘female’)
  • gp – group name
Return Species:


group_from_age(species, sex, age)

Collect the group of a discrete age

  • species (str) – Species.name_key
  • sex – sex (‘male’ or ‘female’)
  • age (int) – Age within a group age range
Return str:

group name


Collect all group names within a specific species

Parameters:species_key (str) – Species.name_key
Return list:Strings of group names

Collect all mortality instances in the model domain

Return list:Mortality instances

Collect all species instances added to the model domain

Return list:Species instances

Property of all species names in the Domain

Return list:Sorted strings of all species names
youngest_group(species, sex)

Collect the group with the youngest age in the domain

  • species_key (str) – Species.name_key
  • sex – sex (‘male’ or ‘female’)
Return str:

group name